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Hidden Dangers In The Operation Of Electric Transport Carts That“Cannot Be Ignored”?

Data: 2024-02-26 13:36:47

Electric transport carts have been widely used in factory production and transportation in recent years. The daily production and transportation of factories are inseparable from electric transport carts. Therefore, ensuring the safe driving and safe operation of electric transport carts is to ensure the safe and normal production of the factory.

Xinxiang New Leader Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
1. Before working, the operator must check whether there are any obstacles on the track and whether the electrical lines and control switches are safe and reliable.
2. The electric transport cart must ring the bell before it can start smoothly. Pay attention to any abnormal conditions around you and be prepared to stop at any time. Do not collide with the end stop of the track.
3. The electric transport cart must be operated and maintained by dedicated personnel, and non-operators are not allowed to use it casually.
4. The electric transport cart should move slowly during operation, and it is not allowed to change the direction of travel quickly.
5. When the electric transport cart is in operation, maintenance and cleaning are prohibited.
6. When loading objects, overloading is not allowed, and objects must be stacked evenly.
7. If the electric transport cart encounters a sudden power outage during operation, the control switch should be returned to the zero position. After the work is completed, the power supply must be cut off. Remove loads and clean equipment.
We are a professional company that produces material handling carts with many years of experience in producing electric transport carts. We only produce products that you can rest assured of. Welcome to contact us!

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