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How To Solve The Problem Of Excessive Noise From Electric Rail Carts?

Data: 2024-03-14 15:51:15

With the widespread application of rail electric flat carts in the logistics industry, noise issues have also attracted people's attention. Noise not only affects the comfort of the working environment, but may also be potentially harmful to the health of employees. So, what should we do if the electric flat cart makes noise?

Xinxiang New Leader Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
First, causes of noise
The noise of rail electric flat carts is mainly caused by the following factors:
1. Transmission noise
The transmission device is the core component of the track electric flat cart, and it will produce a certain amount of noise when it works. Usually, this kind of noise can be dealt with by selecting low-noise transmission devices and adding sound insulation materials.
2. Tire noise
When the track electric flat cart is traveling, the friction between the tires and the track will also produce noise. In order to reduce this type of noise, you can choose low-noise tires and strengthen tire maintenance and upkeep.
3. Motor noise
The motor is the power source of the track electric flat cart, and it also produces a certain amount of noise when it works. In order to reduce motor noise, you can choose a low-noise motor and take sound insulation measures, such as installing a sound insulation cover.
Second, solution
To address the problem of excessive noise from rail electric flat carts, the following solutions can be adopted:
1. Adjust the transmission
You can choose a low-noise transmission device and install sound insulation materials to reduce the noise generated when the transmission device is working.
2. Replace rail wheels
Choose low-noise rail wheels to reduce friction noise between the rail wheels and the rail.
3. Optimize the motor
Choose a low-noise motor and take sound insulation measures, such as installing a sound insulation cover.
4. Add sound insulation measures
Install sound insulation materials on key parts of the track electric flat cart, such as seats, dashboards, etc., to reduce noise transmission.
5. Regular maintenance
Carry out timely maintenance on track electric flat carts to keep each component in good condition and reduce noise.
6. Train employees
In order to reduce noise caused by improper human operation, employees can be trained to improve their operating skills and safety awareness.

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