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NEWLD's New Employees Learn Product Knowledge

Data: 2022-03-01 16:25:15

Although it was cold in March, the new employees of NEWLD participated in product knowledge training with enthusiasm.They come from different places, different universities, and study different majors; now, they have just bid farewell to the campus and are gradually realizing the role transition from students to professionals, and achieving a leap from excellence to excellence.
In order to do a good job in this induction training, so that new employees can fully understand and integrate into the company's culture, enhance teamwork skills, enhance personal qualities, and realize the transformation from students to professionals, NEWLD's administrative manager has carried out careful planning and arrangements.
Through short-term training, new employees not only have a comprehensive understanding of the company, but also have full confidence in the company's prospects and personal career development.

Xinxiang New Leader Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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