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What Should Be Paid Attention To When Using Rail Guided Power Trolley?

Data: 2016-09-25 15:06:58

Rail Guided Power Trolley,AC Motor Automatic Transfer Cart,Motorized Rail Carts,industrial transfer cars

KPD series rail guided power trolleys are divided into two-phase power supply and three-phase power supply. When the power is on, the voltage is mainly reduced to 36V by the ground cabinet, and then the electricity is transmitted to the conductive track, and then the electricity is transmitted to the step-up transformer through the on-board conductor and friction slider, and finally reaches the on-board electric control cabinet equipment after the voltage rises.

Different series of electric transfer trolleys will choose slightly different equipment because of the specific place of use. In order to maximize the effectiveness and complete the work, what should be paid attention to when using KPD series rail guided power trolley?

1. In order to ensure the normal operation of rail guided trolley, the indication of voltmeter and power meter on ground power supply cabinet shall be normal. Generally, the voltage slightly higher than 36V is normal voltage. It is normal that the indication of ammeter is small, but the indication of ammeter should be normal without swing.

2. When loading goods with electric flatbed trolley, the center of gravity of conductor rail transfer trolley shall be balanced. The goods should be placed separately from the middle to both sides. When unloading the goods, the two ends should be unloaded first, and then the middle ones. In this way, the balance of the electric rail transfer trolley can be effectively maintained, so as to better work.

3. The conductive surface of electric flat trolley needs to be cleaned and polished regularly, so as to ensure that the conductive surface is normal. If there are oil, rust, dust and other insulators on the conductive surface of the electric flat transfer trolley, it may cause abnormality when conducting electricity, thus making the machine unable to power on normally, thus affecting the normal work.

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