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AGV Is Widely used In The Electronics Industry

Data: 2022-11-09 09:08:36

With the development of science and technology, major electronic manufacturers have chosen automated production lines, among which AGV system technology is the priority automation technology.

Electronics industry application:

1. SMT material transportation

2. DIP material transportation

3. Fixture delivery

4. Material turnover

5. Delivery of finished products

Solved problem:

1. Rising labor costs, difficulties in seasonal recruitment, etc.

2. The cost of traditional production lines

3. The problem of realizing flexibility of the production line

4. Material accuracy and efficiency issues in production operations

Advantages of applying AGV:

1. The AGV production line has a low cost compared with the traditional production line.

2. The production path can be changed at any time, which can realize the advantages of ready-to-use, saving manpower and cost, low error rate, and energy saving.

3. Improved production efficiency and reduced the total cost of production.



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